Knowledge is of two kinds. We know a subject ourselves, or we know where we can find information upon it.
- Samuel Johnson (1709 - 1784)

About me

I am a polyglot developer. I started in 2006 as a self-taught developer with HTML, CSS, JS and PHP, by creating websites with editable content.

I later added to my knowledge Java on Android, then NodeJS and Java Spring Boot, bits of C and some of Python. And on the frontend Angular, jQuery, Vue and React, as and when required on the job or position.

I still think that most important for the developer is the curiosity and will to learn and improve. I am currently improving my Python and React skills.

In PHP, I like to work with the Symfony framework. But have experience with multiple frameworks like Laravel, Nette, Zend, Yii, CakePHP and Falcon.

And a little side note. I never understood why IT world is borrowing every possible word from builders and architects. I like to think IT job is more similar to artisan culinary chef. You need to know where to get the best ingredients, how to assess the quality of those ingredients and how to put them together to create the best experience.
Yes, "building an app" sounds probably better than "cooking the app".