Category: Quick Wins

UI/UX for backend devs



White Space

padding, margin, line-height, start big, awkward big, make it smaller till it seems OK


Start with 2 / 3 main colors. Use Variations of the same Hue, with different Saturation and Brightness


Check design against contrast (AA or AAA WCAG 2.0) Design is also about accessibility and readability


Most important elements should stand out with proper scaling. Lines should not be too long, just comfortable for reading.


Text and elements should be aligned against each other. Even if they look intentionally random, they need to be in the "grid". The human brain likes order. E.g.


Check typography libraries, and typical typography of elements on the web. Typography usually should somehow follow the usual headings, paragraphs, quote tags, etc.

Visual Hierarchy

Elements around the main element should gradually fade to propagate the important one. Headings, paragraphs, cards, forms, sliders, all have their purpose.

Posted on 5th August, 2023