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Category: Quick Wins

Ionic 4/Angular deployment to AWS

This is a step-by-step tutorial how to manage code deployment from GitHub to AWS for your Ionic 4 AngularJS PWA.

For this tutorial, you will need AWS and GitHub accounts.

Step #1 - Required project changes

We will use the new sample Ionic 4 app. But these steps are applicable to any Ionic 4 project.

Install Ionic 4 app

npm install -g ionic
ionic start ionicawscicd tabs

Run the app

cd ionicawscicd
ionic serve

This command will show you where your app is running. Usually it is http://localhost:8100

In a root folder of your Ionic 4 project put the file buildspec.yml defined by rules of AWS CodeBuild with this content:

version: 0.2

      nodejs: 12
        - yarn install
        - npm run build:prod
        - '**/*'
    base-directory: www

Explanation of phases

Explanation of artifacts

We will also alter package.json file to contain changes relevant for build

  "scripts": {
    "build:prod": "./node_modules/.bin/ionic build --prod"
  "dependencies": {
    "ionic": "^4.0.0",

Explanation: build:prod is pointing to local Ionic CLI, which is added to dependencies.

Step #2 - Creating GitHub project

Log to your GitHub account [[( and create a new public repository named ionicawscicd.

image mising

image mising

From result save SSH or HTTPS link:

image mising

You can now go to your project folder on your disk and setup it for git.

git init
git add .
git commit -m"project first commit"

This step will be a little different for everyone. It depends on the name of your repository, and if you already set up an SSH key for GitHub. You can use the SSH link of the repository like me or https.

git remote add origin
git push -u origin master

Now if you refresh GitHub page (mine is you should see Ionic project codebase

image mising

Step #3 - Creating AWS S3 bucket

Go to your AWS console account and access Amazon S3 home page. Amazon S3 and start creating new bucket by clicking button + Create bucket

image mising

Enter DNS compliant bucket name and select region. I will name it ionicawscicd and my closest region is EU (London).

image mising

Let all other steps on default for now. We may change them later.

Your bucket should be now created.

image mising

and we can continue to next step.

Step #4 - Creating CodePipeline

On the page change region in the right top corner to the one where you are deploying app. Mine is EU London.

image mising

Next click the button Create pipeline.

image mising

I named the pipeline ionicawscicd-pipeline and click button next.

image mising

As a source select GitHub and then click connect button. If you were logout, then login to GitHub again in the window provided by AWS CodePipeline. Select your ionicawscicd repository and branch master.

image mising

As a build provider select AWS CodeBuild and click Create project button.

Name it ionicawscicd-build Select Managed image, Operating system Ubuntu, runtime Standard,

'Image standard:3.0' this is the image version and always uses the latest. 'Environment type' is 'Linux'.

Check 'New service role' and using of 'BuildSpec' file.

image mising

image mising

image mising

image mising

Select Amazon S3 and our earlier created S3 bucket. image mising

Step #5 - Publishing website with CloudFront

On we will create new distribution.

image mising

Select the web

image mising

As 'origin domain name' select our 'S3 bucket' domain. Should be something similar to

Posted on 12th August, 2019